Event Title
Finding Your Senses: Adaptation Ability Exhibit
Name Front Porch Gallery
Address 2903 Carlsbad Blvd
City Carlsbad
State CA
Zip 92008
Opening Hours Reception June 8 from 12 - 2. Regular Gallery hours are Wednesday - Friday 11-5, Saturday 11-4 during exhibit.
Location North County Coastal
Telephone 760-229-1360
Email CCAREY@frontporch.net
Web Site http://www.FrontPorchGallery.org
Contact Cathy Carey  
Fee Free
Reception Date 08-06-2024
Dates Starts On 06-05-2024   Ends On 07-31-2024
Opening Days
Event Description Front Porch Gallery is excited to announce “Finding Your Senses: Adaptation Ability”, an invitational exhibit that delves into the fascinating realm of sensory perception from June 5th to July 31st, 2024, with a reception June 8th from 12PM – 2PM. Co-curators Cathy Carey and Josie Rodriguez chose artwork that invites viewers to contemplate the profound influence of our senses and encourage reflection on how alterations in sensory perception, whether due to trauma or aging, can profoundly affect individuals and communal understanding. "Finding Your Senses: Adaptation Ability" serves as a catalyst for introspection, empathy, and appreciation of the diverse ways in which humans perceive and experience the world. By fostering a deeper understanding of the mutable nature of sensory perception, the exhibit encourages visitors to embrace differences, cultivate empathy, and celebrate the richness of human experience. In conjunction with the exhibit, free creative programming is offered.
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Event Title
Open Studio
Address 2730 Historic Decatur Rd
State CA
Zip 92106
Opening Hours from 4 to7 pm
Location Central San Diego
Telephone 8583665951
Email katerina@lazarova.art
Web Site https://www.lazarova.art/events
Contact Katerina Husar Lazar  
Fee Free
Reception Date 00-00-0000
Dates Starts On 06-05-2024   Ends On 06-05-2024
Opening Days
Event Description Join Us for an Open Studio Event from 4 to 7 pm and the Release of Easel Tales Issue #4! I’m thrilled to invite you to our Open Studio event, where we celebrate the release of the fourth issue of my zine, Easel Tales! In this latest issue, you'll find an array of inspiring articles, including: • Meet Daisy, the Boss Cat: Discover the charming tales of Daisy, the true ruler of our studio, and how her unique personality influences our creative environment. • Artists Have to Wear Many Hats: Dive into the multifaceted world of artists, exploring the diverse roles and skills that shape their creative journeys. Come and experience the vibrant atmosphere of our studio, meet fellow art enthusiasts, and get your hands on the newest issue of Easel Tales. Enjoy a day filled with creativity, community, and captivating stories. I can't wait to see you there!
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