Event Title
The Electric Womb Exhibition
Name The Electric Womb
Address 2730 Historic Decatur Rd #204
City San Diego
State CA
Zip 92106
Opening Hours Opening Reception July 7th 5:15 pm - 6:00 pm Featured Artists/Poets will share their spoken words. Patricia Maldonado will dance to the opening poem to kick off the evening. 6:00 pm - 8:00 p
Location Central San Diego
Email womyn@theelectricwomb.com
Web Site http://TheElectricWomb.com
Contact Marjorie Pezzoli  
Reception Date 7-7-0
Dates Starts On 7-7-2023   Ends On 29-9-2023
Opening Days Inspiration Gallery is only open during events and classes. The 1st Friday of every month SD Writers Ink has a special writer/author/readings evening gathering with an art reception afterwards
Event Description We all come from the womb, these are our stories. Please join us for our inaugural exhibition that features 10 womyn who create both artworks and poetry at the San Diego Writers Ink Inspiration Gallery, 2nd Floor Barracks 16 in the Arts District at Liberty Station. Introducing: Anna Zappoli - Debbie Solan - Deborah Ramos - Gwynn Henry - Jill Badonsky - Kelly Bowen - Kira Carrillo Corser - Marjorie Pezzoli - Tara Graviss - Tish Ince
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