Event Title
Holiday Quick Class 83. Paint-overs with Lisa Bebi | Athenaeum School of the Arts
Name Athenaeum Music & Arts Library
Address 1008 Wall St
City La Jolla
State CA
Zip 92037
Opening Hours Monday–Wednesday, 10AM–2PM December 2–4 (3 days, 8 total hours of instruction. December 3 is open studio time without instruction)
Location North County Coastal
Telephone 858-454-5872
Email aabreu@ljathenaeum.org
Web Site https://www.ljathenaeum.org/class/83
Contact Anira Abreu  
Fee $140/160 +$25 materials fee  
Reception Date 2-12-2024
Dates Starts On 2-12-2024   Ends On 4-12-2024
Opening Days
Event Description Painting using imagery in art is a fun way to tell a visual story.  We use black and white photocopies of ancestors, found or real, as the underlying source to paint.  This is a way of creating expressive and fun art that can stand up to any other art form.  In this workshop, learn how to paint over a photocopy and how to properly adhere paper seamlessly to a substrate without bubbles or creases.  Students will walk away with a painting or two and an understanding of this fun process. Materials: $25 fee includes images, mediums, varnish, and substrates; use of brushes, palette knife, palette paper, varnish, markers, burnishing tool, paints. You may bring your own black and white 8" x 10" photocopy, brushes, paints, palette paper, apron, gloves, or any of the above-listed supplies.
Images Image

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