Event Title
Name Newbry Studios
Address 2055 Westwood Drive
City Carlsbad
State CA
Zip 92008
Opening Hours
Location North County Coastal
Telephone 7604584427
Email hello@nanettenewbry.com
Web Site http://nanettenewbry.com/encaustic-monotypes/
Contact Nanette Newbry  
Fee $400 before 1/10/25; $425 after that date
Reception Date N/A
Dates Starts On 7-2-2025   Ends On 8-2-2025
Opening Days
Event Description LEARN HOW TO CREATE AMAZING PRINTS WITHOUT A PRESS Experience the joy and immediacy of “pulling” an encaustic monotype from a heated encaustic palette. You’ll draw with pigmented wax and incorporate spontaneous mark making that will ignite your creativity and intuition. The results are astonishing and rewarding. Additional techniques including stenciling, stamping and blocking will be explored. Whether used as a primary body of work or combined with mixed media, collage or book arts, encaustic monotypes offer endless possibilities for today’s artist. No prior experience in encaustic painting or printmaking is necessary, however some experience with encaustic is preferred. Demos and discussion include: How different types of paper react to wax and pigment How temperature affects the print’s outcome The various effects using encaustic medium and pigment Layering color How to use other materials including India ink, pastel, oil sticks, graphite into your work
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